Tagged: Bacteria

White Rose

Newsflash: England, 1941 – Policeman killed by a rose. What?

This unfortunate man developed an infection from a thorn and died due to lack of sufficient penicillin available at that time. Antibiotics, as we all know, can save our lives.  They fight infection and support our health.  Antibiotics attack bad bacteria while protecting us.   So, what’s new?  Remember the Human Microbiome Project? Scientists are discovering that some bacteria also keep us alive!  They break our food down to digestible bits of nutrients, detoxify poisons, nurture our immune systems, help to...

chicken and flu

Check that chicken! What?

According to a recent study by Consumer Reports, 97% of the chicken breasts they test harbored bacteria that could make you sick. Analyzing more than 300 chicken breasts purchased across the US, the scientists found potentially harmful bacteria in almost all of them, including organic brands.  More than 50% of the breasts contained fecal contamination.  Around half of them contained at least one bacteria that was resistant to 3 commonly used antibiotics.  This resistance to antibiotics is becoming a major...