Monthly Archive:

the more you know

Cancer, heart disease and obesity influenced by canned food. What?

There are chemicals in our food and skin products that have been linked to disrupting our endocrine system.  So what is your endocrine system anyway? It is an interconnected system of glands in your body that control your entire metabolism!  It includes the Hypothalamus and the Pineal and Pituitary Glands in your brain, your Thyroid Gland and Pancreas, your Thymus Gland and Adrenal Glands as well as the Testes and Uterus. The Environmental Working Group (, an independent research and...

chicken and flu

Check that chicken! What?

According to a recent study by Consumer Reports, 97% of the chicken breasts they test harbored bacteria that could make you sick. Analyzing more than 300 chicken breasts purchased across the US, the scientists found potentially harmful bacteria in almost all of them, including organic brands.  More than 50% of the breasts contained fecal contamination.  Around half of them contained at least one bacteria that was resistant to 3 commonly used antibiotics.  This resistance to antibiotics is becoming a major...