Category: Uncategorized

What’s in our bottled water besides water?

We all drink bottled water nowadays – ever mindful that water trumps juice or soda for health, right?  Right.  However, that water may contain contaminants.  The Environmental Working Group has done an exhaustive study. 18% of all bottled waters refuse to cite the source of their water and 32% refuse to disclose anything about the treatment or purity of their water.  This could be a problem since, along with the BPA in the plastic itself (released with heat – perhaps...

Can’t sleep? Sound familiar? Tired of being tired?

The pharmaceutical industry is making $billions due to this problem.  These drugs can be dangerous or addictive.  Might there be a better approach? To figure this out, first understand why you are not sleeping?  Is it too much caffeine, the imachine effect which may block melatonin (your brain’s sleep med) – learn more about this problem here, prolonged stress and the resulting high levels of cortisol, or soft tissue blockage at the back of your throat.  What to do? M....

Ever wonder about the “superbugs”, the antibiotic resistant bacteria that are becoming so prevalent?

Nearly 80 percent of the American antibiotics market goes for use in livestock, often for healthy animals. Federal scientists published a report in February, 2013, that documents the results of this practice: let’s look at how many meat products have antibiotic resistant bacteria in them: 81% of ground turkey, 69% of pork chops, 55% of ground beef and 39% of chicken. What? Eating these bacteria can make infections much harder to treat because they are resistant to many antibiotics. Can...

Are your silver fillings really silver? They may be harming your health!

  “Silver fillings are not silver, but an amalgam of chemicals– 50% of which is mercury, a dangerous neurotoxin! Toxic mercury vapors are released into the mouth and absorbed by the body as people chew and drink liquids. The FDA states that “Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetus … Pregnant women and persons who may have a health condition that makes them more sensitive to mercury exposure..” (more...

Iodine can be a life saver. What?

Martha Grout, MD, and Donald Miller, MD, explain “There is growing evidence that Americans would have better health and a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast if they consumed more iodine. A decrease in iodine intake coupled with an increased consumption of fluoride and bromide (in most flour), has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America. So? People in the U.S. consume an average 240 micrograms (µg) of iodine a day. Japanese consume 50x more....

Can Our Food Be Dangerous? Let’s talk about food safety in milk.

Why buy organic milk? Most milk that is not organic contains bovine growth hormone (rBGH). What? rBGH is a genetically derived hormone that works as a hormone disruptor in humans. Additionally, as Samuel Epstein, MD, explains “BGH makes cows sick (mastitis)… is chemically, and nutritionally different than natural milk… is supercharged with high levels of a natural growth factor (IGF-1), which is readily absorbed through the gut (IGI-1 blocks natural defense mechanisms against early cancers). Why do dairy farmers use...

Magnesium is critical for health…and up to 80% of Americans are low? What?

Low magnesium increases the risk of depression, strokes, hypertension and other cardiovascular illness. In fact, low magnesium increases levels of C-Reactive Protein which itself is a predictor of elevated cardiovascular risk. Dr. Mary Ackerley reports that:” Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are anxiety, depression, constipation, twitches, headaches and migraines, high blood pressure and restless legs.” So, can you eat magnesium in your diet? Dietary sources ofmagnesium include leafy green vegetables, meats, grains, nuts and seeds. Vegetables, nuts and seeds grown organically...

A bit more about chemicals…what we need to know. 85,000 chemicals in use – most not tested for safety.

The New York Times recently posted an article explaining that “ Many Americans assume that the chemicals in their shampoos, detergents and other consumer products have been thoroughly tested and proved to be safe. This assumption is wrong. Unlike pharmaceuticals or pesticides, industrial chemicals do not have to be tested before they are put on the market. “It’s the worst kind of Catch-22,” said Dr. Richard Denison, senior scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund. “Under this law, the E.P.A. can’t...

Is Your Make-Up Hurting You? Probably.

If you are like millions of other women, you use as many as 20 different skin and face products. Martha Grout, MD, explains “Cosmetics contain many different kinds of chemicals, but of particular concern are a group of preservatives called parabens, which by some estimates are found in 99per cent of all ‘leave on’ cosmetics, and 77 per cent of ‘rinse off’ cosmetics. These are known hormone disruptors: evidence suggests they can mimic the female hormone estrogen, and a lifetime...

The New Science of Nutrigenomics Unveiled

“You are what you eat”, right?  Actually, scientists are proving this more profoundly than ever.  The new science of nutrigenomics – now nutrients impact our genes – is revealing the complex interplay between diet and our genes.  This further illustrates the critical importance of food choices and our health.  Learn more from your iRNPA about using this information to better protect your health. Karen Mercereau, RN, iRNPA