Category: Organic Food


Do you really need a multivitamin? The American Medical Association announced in 2002 that all adults should take a multivitamin to prevent chronic illness.

Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Oz also recommend taking a good multivitamin each day.  This, along with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, will help to maintain you optimal level of health.  Your diet should include at least 5-7 servings of vegetables and fruits each day – preferably fresh ones.  If not fresh, work with frozen rather than canned (lower in nutrients). What if you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables already?  Isn’t that enough?  Modern intensive agricultural methods...


GMO food – what is the controversy really about? Are genetically modified foods harmful to our health?

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. Animal studies indicate the potential for significant health damage from genetically modified foods, such as: Organ damage – liver, kidney, spleen and GI tract especially Accelerated aging Infertility Increasing levels of food allergies Skin damage What does genetically modified really mean?  Genetic fragments of DNA from one organism are inserted into the DNA of another organism, usually from a different species.  This is done...


More on the amazing CoEnzyme Q10 that our bodies produce….

Here is some additional information about this wonderful nutrient our bodies create that increases energy production and helps to reduce inflammation.  Tori Hudson, N.D., nationally recognized naturopathic physician, author, educator and researcher, has written much about this nutrient that is produced not only in humans, but in animals, plants and microbes. “It is an essential component of the mitochondria, which is the energy producing unit of each cell of our body. CoQ10 is involved in the manufacture of ATP, which...

Food in shape of heart with green food on left and red foods on the righ

So, if chemicals in our food, water, cleaning products, air and the surrounding environment can make us fat, what foods can help flush these out of our bodies (detox)?

We hear about detoxification in magazine articles and on TV.  What is detoxification?  Simply stated, it is the removal of harmful substances from our bodies.  As noted in the last article, certain toxins (chemicals) can have far reaching health effects, like heart disease, diabetes and weight gain. Many companies are trying to sell you detox programs.  Buyer beware!  A true medical detox program should be overseen by a health care professional knowledgeable in the full spectrum of the internal chemistry...

The cells of our body need that initial spark provided by CoQ10, in order to function.”

Coenzyme Q10!

Have you heard of this wonderful antioxidant that our bodies produce? We produce less as we age and so need to understand what role this plays in our health.  Tori Hudson, ND, a nationally acclaimed teacher and clinician, explains “Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is one of those nutrients that just keeps surprising you- with it’s diversity, it’s benefits, safety, and research. It is widely found in nature where it is synthesized in humans, animals, plants and microbes.  An essential component of...

Photo of stethascope on double hamburger

Half of the people who experience heart attacks have normal cholesterol. What? What does this mean?

S. Sinatra, MD, a leading integrative cardiologist, explains that the real cause of heart attacks is inflammation in the linings of your arteries.  Moreover, a healthy level of cholesterol is necessary for health.  Too little can lead to health problems! So what do you need cholesterol for?   1. Synthesizing essential nutrients such as vitamin D; steroid hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol; and bile acids needed for digestion 2. Constructing the semi-permeable membranes around each of the 100 trillion...