Category: Cancer Protection


Melanoma – what do we really need to know? Is it curable? Is it always caused by overexposure to the sun?

Martha Grout, MD, reports that: “Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. If recognized and treated early, it is nearly 100 percent curable. When not caught early, a melanoma spot the size of a dime can spread to other parts of the body where it becomes hard to treat.”  Melanoma arises from a type of cell called melanocyte, present in the deep in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. Who is most vulnerable?  Half of all...

Food in shape of heart with green food on left and red foods on the righ

So, if chemicals in our food, water, cleaning products, air and the surrounding environment can make us fat, what foods can help flush these out of our bodies (detox)?

We hear about detoxification in magazine articles and on TV.  What is detoxification?  Simply stated, it is the removal of harmful substances from our bodies.  As noted in the last article, certain toxins (chemicals) can have far reaching health effects, like heart disease, diabetes and weight gain. Many companies are trying to sell you detox programs.  Buyer beware!  A true medical detox program should be overseen by a health care professional knowledgeable in the full spectrum of the internal chemistry...