Author: Karen Mercereau

Nursing Shortage USA Map

United States is Projected to have a Shortage of 200,000 to 450,000 Registered Nurses by 2025

Attention everyone! Did you know that by 2025, the United States is projected to have a shortage of 200,000 to 450,000 registered nurses available for direct patient care? That’s a significant gap of 10 to 20 percent, and it places a huge demand on the nurse graduate pipeline over the next three years. To make matters worse, the International Council of Nurses has declared this shortage as a global health emergency (May 12, 2023). Let’s work together to raise awareness...

Chlormequat Toxin in Cheerios

Mercereau Report Vol. 5 – Chemicals in Popular Children’s Foods, PFAS What They Are

Toxins and Chemicals In Our Foods That Can Harm Our Health  The Environmental Working Group is doing excellent work informing us of dangerous chemicals in our water and food. Now it’s something called chlormequat in oats! See what you think…  Chlormequat exposure in animal studies has caused a host of reproductive and other health problems, suggesting the potential for harm to human health. Unless and until federal regulators act to get chlormequat out of our food, buying organic can help...


Melanoma – what do we really need to know? Is it curable? Is it always caused by overexposure to the sun?

Martha Grout, MD, reports that: “Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. If recognized and treated early, it is nearly 100 percent curable. When not caught early, a melanoma spot the size of a dime can spread to other parts of the body where it becomes hard to treat.”  Melanoma arises from a type of cell called melanocyte, present in the deep in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. Who is most vulnerable?  Half of all...


Do you really need a multivitamin? The American Medical Association announced in 2002 that all adults should take a multivitamin to prevent chronic illness.

Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Oz also recommend taking a good multivitamin each day.  This, along with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, will help to maintain you optimal level of health.  Your diet should include at least 5-7 servings of vegetables and fruits each day – preferably fresh ones.  If not fresh, work with frozen rather than canned (lower in nutrients). What if you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables already?  Isn’t that enough?  Modern intensive agricultural methods...


GMO food – what is the controversy really about? Are genetically modified foods harmful to our health?

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. Animal studies indicate the potential for significant health damage from genetically modified foods, such as: Organ damage – liver, kidney, spleen and GI tract especially Accelerated aging Infertility Increasing levels of food allergies Skin damage What does genetically modified really mean?  Genetic fragments of DNA from one organism are inserted into the DNA of another organism, usually from a different species.  This is done...

White Rose

Newsflash: England, 1941 – Policeman killed by a rose. What?

This unfortunate man developed an infection from a thorn and died due to lack of sufficient penicillin available at that time. Antibiotics, as we all know, can save our lives.  They fight infection and support our health.  Antibiotics attack bad bacteria while protecting us.   So, what’s new?  Remember the Human Microbiome Project? Scientists are discovering that some bacteria also keep us alive!  They break our food down to digestible bits of nutrients, detoxify poisons, nurture our immune systems, help to...

Active People = Active Memory

How’s your memory? How high is your blood sugar? Can these two things possibly be related?

According to an online article of the journal Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, “Even for people who don’t have diabetes or high blood sugar, those with higher blood sugar levels are more likely to have memory problems.” Martha Grout, MD, MD(H), founder of the Arizona Center of Advanced Medicine in Scottsdale, explains that “A 2008 Columbia University study showed that rising blood sugar levels, a common occurrence with aging, affect a part of the brain...

Advanced nurses! RN Patient Advocates are leading the way!

Who are these nurses?  They are independent RN Patient Advocates (iRNPAs): highly qualified clinical RNs who have completed an advanced educational program: the RN Patient Advocates/University of Arizona College of Nursing Learning Intensive.  There are now iRNPAs in 25+ states.   Where are they leading?   There is a whole world of advanced medical research and clinical practice emerging globally:  The Functional Medicine Chronic Care Model and Integrative Medicine.  Sure, you may have heard the words, but do you realize...

Children No Hope

Chemicals Causing Brain Damage in our Children? Can this be?

A study published in The Lancet Neurology in March, 2014, and further reported upon in Time and Forbes magazines as well as by Dr. Mary Ackerley clearly demonstrates a direct link between 11 industrial chemicals and the development of our childrens’ brains resulting in reduced IQ, autism, ADHD, increased aggression tendencies, delinquent behaviors, and dyslexia.  These are commonly used chemicals. So what about the genetic factor?  Doesn’t this have a major role in these problems?  Yes, it does account for...

the more you know

Cancer, heart disease and obesity influenced by canned food. What?

There are chemicals in our food and skin products that have been linked to disrupting our endocrine system.  So what is your endocrine system anyway? It is an interconnected system of glands in your body that control your entire metabolism!  It includes the Hypothalamus and the Pineal and Pituitary Glands in your brain, your Thyroid Gland and Pancreas, your Thymus Gland and Adrenal Glands as well as the Testes and Uterus. The Environmental Working Group (, an independent research and...