6 Week Class

Have you ever been called a fathead?  Well, you are.  In fact, we all are.  almost 60% of our brains is fat! (NIH)

. Even though our brain understands when we feel pain, it can’t feel pain itself. Because it doesn’t have pain receptors.

2. While it’s only 2% of our body’s weight, it uses 20% of our energy and oxygen

3. We can grow new brain cells all our lives, especially when we keep our minds active.

4. If you lined up all the tiny blood vessels in your brain, they could wrap around the Earth four times

5. Your brain can generate about 23 watts of power when awake. That’s enough to power a light bulb

Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation Class

January 9, 2024 –
February 17, 2024

* Are all the systems in our bodies connected rather than how we treat them as separate?  This is the study of Systems Biology as it is practiced globally.  Harvard Medical School even has a Systems Biology department.

*Ever wonder how your gut influences your brain?  It does.

*We hear about the Microbiome so often.  What (and why) is it actually?

*What does the Microbiome do to support (or diminish) health?

*How many Microbiomes are there in our bodies?  Are they connected?

* What does Inflammation mean?  How is this both helpful and harmful?

*Where does inflammation begin?

*What is the blood-brain barrier and how does that affect our brains?

*Are we all actually “fat heads”?  Does our brain feel pain?

*Is there an immune system in your brain?  Is this connected to dementia?

*Do you know how much genetic material in your body is human?  You might be surprised.

*Do you wonder what differences there actually are between traditional Western medicine and the more advanced models of Integrative and Functional Medicine?

*Now you can refresh your science knowledge base and learn what global research has demonstrated is possible.

*Develop new clinical skills.

*The US is currently in an epidemic of chronic illness (CDC).  With your expanded scientific understanding, you will better understand the root causes of chronic illness.  This enables us to be more proactive in working with physicians to treat what causes illness, rather than just treating the symptoms with expanding prescriptions of medications.

Click the link below to get started. A member of our staff will contact you to schedule an interview.
